Cash In With Klusters Knewsroom

Klusters Knewsroomkluster recently launched the knewsroom which is a community based news publication that publishes stories once a day in politics, business, technology, design, sports and entertainment. How it works is that the knewsroom’s community members get to have a say as to what stories get published on a daily basis. How users have an influence is by either submitting their own original content or content syndicated from other news sources. Best of all, you can get paid for your participation without you having to spend a single cent.

Within the knewsroom, you are given the opportunity to have a say as to what gets published the next day by proposing topics and submitting stories. Proposing topics can be as easy as proposing something like “Oil Hits $200 a Barrel” (which I hope never happens) and if someone submits a story about that topic you get paid a share of the revenue for proposing the topic. Next up from there is submitting stories where if your syndicated submission gets published you get a share of the ad revenue and if you submit original content which gets published you get paid $25 as well as a share of the day’s ad revenue.

You get to choose your favorite stories by investing watts (the knewroom’s currency) in topics which are liken to mutual funds or stories which are likened to individual stocks. If your selections are published you receive a return on your investment which is determined by the risk you take.

Payouts start at $50 dollars with the money that you earn being credited to a kluster Mastercard offered via Payoneer which can be issued to and used by anyone worldwide.
If you submit a couple of original stories that get published, that’s all it will take for you to reach the $50 payout minimum. Even if you aren’t submitting your own content reaching the $50 mark shouldn’t be too much of a problem is you are relatively active within the community. Within the first week of signing up to them I made a few dollars just by suggesting topics and submitting syndicated content which only takes a few minutes each day.

If you are someone who likes to keep on top of events taking place in your backyard and around the world it won’t do you any harm sharing it with people at the knewsroom and getting paid for it.

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