Archive | Saving Money

Buy OEM Packed or Refurbished Electronics and Save

[ad#Adsense 250×250 White]If you shun OEM packed or refurbished products when you are hunting around for electronics or appliances don’t! Why? Because you could save yourself a lot of money. My 2 year old daughter just completely destroyed my cell phone and I am looking around for a replacement. To that effect I have been […]

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Saving Money on Pet Care

More than half of the people I work with have pets and just about every one of them is completely in love with their dog, cat or whatever animal they chose to look after. One thing that I have heard just about every single one of them talk about is how much their pets are […]

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100+ Ways To Save Money | The Consumerist

The other day I was reading through The Consumerist and came across a post on 112 Ways To Save Money which was put together after readers submitted their money saving secrets. It is an interesting read that may provide a bit of inspiration to those who are looking to save money. Some of the ways […]

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Save With Microsoft Live Search Cashback

A fair number of us make a lot our purchases online not only because it is convenient but because of all the deals that you can get your hands on online. If you delve deeper into getting the best deal possible you will find that you can in fact get more of a deal on […]

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