
Email Marketing or Social Media Marketing or Integration?

It’s not hard to go online and find email marketing over social media marketing advocates as well as those who say no to email marketing and are pro social media marketing. As far as marketing goes, both of these mediums have different offerings and will garner different results. For that reason, some people may chose to use one over the other but, is there any harm in integrating them?

Michael Stelzner (founder and CEO of Social Media Examiner) recently interviewed Christopher Penn (director of inbound marketing at What Counts) who explained how email and social media marketing can work well together to leverage content. In the video he covers a number of points which include why you need to use both, how to integrate them to get what he calls the new media trinity of content (such as your blog), conversation (social media) and distribution (email) to get the most out of your marketing efforts. He also goes on to share some insights into podcasting and what it means for business as well as the importance of going mobile and especially so in this day in age.

Email and Social Media Marketing Integration.

Which form of marketing do you use?

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